Saturday, December 10, 2016


What are some of the purposes of parenting? Some have come up with a theory that it is to protect and prepare children to survive and thrive in the world. What do you think? I also feel like proper parenting can better the current population, adults and children alike. Here are some benefits parenting has: The Parent: Is learning many things while caring for children Is maturing Is practicing selflessness Is learning to love during difficult and easy times Is understanding and becoming more like God The child: Is being taught moral standards Can be learning of their divine heritage Is learning to choose between good and bad Can be offered corrective feedback Is learning to foster individuality Is learning to love and experience love Is learning acceptance Is learning how to have deep, close, tight bonds Is preparing to be self-sufficient One researcher gives 5 ballast points for raising children. Courage, Self-Esteem, Responsibility, Cooperation, and Respect. In addition to this, he says that every child has 5 things they need. The first being Contact and Belonging, the next is Power, third is Protection, then Withdrawal, and, last, Challenges. Each of these needs has a way they are met negatively. For example, power. If a child feels powerless growing up, that can lead to them wanting to control others or rebel. Children need to have age appropriate choices given to them, responsibility, and natural consequences for their choice. A consequence is not always bad, just a natural reaction to the choice. There doesn't need to be a punishment inflicted for their choices, especially if that punishment is used to control your child. The only time you shouldn't allow the natural consequences for a choice or action are when they are too severe (like a broken limb), too far off (we'll let you skip high school because when you're 40, you'll learn your lesson), or when others are affected. Be wise in your parenting, what can I say more?

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