Saturday, September 17, 2016

Tabula Rasa

Friends Welcome! This week was a week of new beginnings for me! I am a night custodian, and since there is no music, I find there is a lot of time to think and to ponder. Can you read the ponderings of a custodian who gets little sleep? I love to think about families in this day and age. I think about what a family means to us, and how much a family means to us. I come from a family of 7, 5 children, a mother, and a father. We have had difficulties, but we love each other and enjoy spending time together. My family is wacky, and I love it! My Dad and Mom usually get a movie and a half quoted around them every night at the dinner table! We all laugh uproariously. But you aren't here for that. This week I was studying a brief given to the Supreme Court about how children from homosexual parents are at no disadvantage from those of heterosexual parents. Being a novice researcher, but an avid reader with a thirst to learn, I delved into the depths of the study! No sooner had I embarked past the second page when I noticed something about the research that was used to prove the above stated point: many of the studies had little to do with the subject, and others had no comparison groups of heterosexual parents. Not only that, but some that did have comparison groups were single mothers or fathers, who are shown to be at a disadvantage to families that have a Father and a Mother! I was fascinated by this! I have no degree in Psychology, and could not attempt a brief such as the one I read yet, but I was amazed as I read through it! If you have not read the brief, I would encourage you to read it for yourself! Such an adventure to be had! I look forward to gaining more knowledge and experience in the subjects ahead, and will be posting weekly about things I have learned! Until then, tally ho!